
How to install Carprog Full v4.01 Software |VtoolShop

How to install Carprog Full v4.01 Software:

Copy software from CD to any directory on your PC.

Open the software

For Airbag Function, carprog v04.01 support

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Carprog Full Softwares:
* ECU-OPEL - OPEL login reader from motor hybrid ECU. Works with Bosch ME1.5.5, Siemens SIMTEC71, SIMTEC71.1, Delco Diesel, Delco Multec.
* OPELCAN - Opel ECU by CAN programmer - read/change mileage in EDC16, MT35E, HSFI 2.2 read PIN, reset ECU
* PSG16 - Opel PSG16 diesel pump by OBDII - read/change mileage, read PIN, reset ECU
* OPEC28 - Opel Siemens Simtec ECU Tool Advanced

CARPROG FULL v4.01 with all Software’s activated and all 21 items Adapters

Install Carprog Full V4.1 Notes:
Be abiding to disable/uninstall anti-virus software
Please note, anti-virus software can banderole up this artefact software as accepting a virus. This is a apocryphal absolute and is due to the software absolute the appliance book like .exe. So Before bureaucracy the accessory software, amuse disable/uninstall anti-virus software or install a added reliable virus scanner! Our artefact software is absolutely safe and virus chargeless and all added virus scanners affirm this.
If the software abstracts is destroyed or absent because you overlook to disable/uninstall anti-virus software, amuse acquaintance our chump service, we align to resend you CD or forward you the software via internet.

Now we have newest Carprog Full V4.74 and Carprog Full V4.74 with full Set+dongle+count reset cable for sale.

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